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Heritage Millenium Eagle Custom

This guitar has incredible qualities. The back and top are made of solid curly maple and the construction uses a half block. The neck pickup is therefore completely free to vibrate while the treble pickup and the bridge rest on a block of maple. The result is a very warm sound and no feedback, even at high volume. The pickups are HRW, which stands for Heritage Rendall Wall, the latter being an employee of the firm who built pickups to his own specifications. The result is just astonishing in its roundness AND precision. With the neck pickup, the whole world of jazz is offered to the ears, with the bridge one we are entering more Hillbilly and Rockabilly. The combination of the two pickups is perfect for Western Swing. Obviously, the possibilities don't stop there, but the list would be too long! This marvel was built in 2002 in the legendary factory in Kalamzoo, Michigan, USA.

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