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Track Carmine Ghersi on Bandsintown

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Carmine Ghersi

Travelling thru the endless prairies, west, west, west
Behind me I leave all my memories, sure it's best, best, best
Follow the sun down to its rest, it's best to rest west

It's time to leave the streets of the city, behind me
It's time to leave the streets of the city, behind me
It won't be long to cross the river And I'll be free

For sure every morning means a new day, count one less
For sure every morning means a new day, count one less
It won't be long to see those rocks And I'll be free

Now I see the sun rise o'er the mountains, lucky me
Now I see the sun rise o'er the mountains, lucky me
It won't be long to cross the divide, And I'll be free

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